Befehl |
Beschreibung |
Berechtigung |
!mwHelp |
with this Command you open the Bot`s Menu. |
keine |
!mwQR TEXT |
with this Command you can generate the specified
TEXT es a QR code.
(simply replace TEXT with the Text or link of your choice) |
keine |
!mwTop |
with this Command you get Inromations about the
Top 10. |
keine |
!mwBot |
with this Command you get Inromations about the
Bot. |
keine |
!mwStats @USERNAME |
with this Command you get Inromations about the
(@USERNAME is replaced by the Username on the Discord) |
keine |
!mwRank @USERNAME |
with this Command you get Inromations about the
(@USERNAME is replaced by the Username on the Discord) |
keine |
!mwToDo |
with this Command you open the current ToDo List of
the Bot. |
keine |
!mwEvent TEXT |
with this Command you can create an Event News with
the given TEXT.
(TEXT is replaced with the Event News) |
keine |
!mwSurvey TEXT |
with this Command you can create a Survey with the
given TEXT.
(TEXT is replaced with the Poll Text)
(the Bot automatically adds YES / MAYBE / NO as a reaction) |
keine |
!mwGoogle TEXT |
with this Command you can create
a Google Query with the given TEXT.
(TEXT is replaced with the Search Text) |
keine |
with this Command you can use the @USERNAME
with TEXT report.
(@USERNAME is replaced by the Username on the Discord and
TEXT by the reason for the report)
(if the Server has a report channel, a report is automatically
created there) |
keine |
!mwUpdate TEXT |
with this Command you can create an Update News
with the given TEXT.
(TEXT is replaced by the Update Text) |
keine |
!mwCorona |
with this Command you get the current Corona
Statistics. (you
can also use !mwCorona Germany es an example for the Country of
yours choise) |
keine |
!mwDonate |
with this Command you get Informations about how
you can Support the Bot. |
keine |
!mwDiscord |
with this Command you get Informations about the
current Discord. |
keine |
!mwHastebin TEXT |
with this Command you will get a Hastebin Link with
the given TEXT.
(TEXT will be replaced by the Text you want to shorten) |
keine |
!mwCat |
with this Command you get a random Cat Image. |
keine |
!mwCar |
with this Command you get a random Car Image. |
keine |
!mwFox |
with this Command you get a random Fox Image. |
keine |
!mwOwl |
with this Command you get a random Owl Image. |
keine |
!mwBird |
with this Command you get a random Bird Image. |
keine |
!mwPika |
with this Command you get a random Pikatchu Image. |
keine |
!mwDog |
with this Command you get a random Dog Image. |
keine |
!mwWolf |
with this Command you get a random Wolf Image. |
keine |
!mwDuck |
with this Command you get a random Duck Image. |
keine |
!mw8Ball |
with this Command you get a random 8Ball Image. |
keine |
!mwPlane |
with this Command you get a random Plane Image. |
keine |
!mwOtter |
with this Command you get a random Otter Image. |
keine |
!mwKoala |
with this Command you get a random Koala Image. |
keine |
!mwSpace |
with this Command you get a random Space Image. |
keine |
!mwTurtle |
with this Command you get a random Turtle Image. |
keine |
!mwSnake |
with this Command you get a random Snake Image. |
keine |
!mwEmoji |
with this Command you get a random Emoji. |
keine |
!mwPanda |
with this Command you get a random Panda Image. |
keine |
!mwMeme |
with this Command you get a random Meme. |
keine |
!mwLizard |
with this Command you get a random Lizard Image. |
keine |
!mwRabbit |
with this Command you get a random Rabbit Image. |
keine |
!mwGoose |
with this Command you get a random Goose Image. |
keine |
!mwHentai |
with this Command you get a random Hentai Image. |
keine |
!mwNature |
with this Command you get a random Nature Image. |
keine |
!mwFantasy |
with this Command you get a random Fantasy Image. |
keine |
!mwRandom |
with this Command you get a random Image. |
keine |
!mwRedPanda |
with this Command you get a random Red Panda Image. |
keine |
!mwRPS |
with this Command you can play Stones, Paper,
Scissors againt a Computer. |
keine |
!mwSpin |
with this Command you spin a Fidget Spinner.
(see how long can let it spin) |
keine |
!mwDice |
with this Command you throw a Dice. |
keine |
!mwCtoF # |
with this Command convert your # Celsius to
Fahrenheit. |
keine |
!mwFtoC # |
with this Command convert your # Fahrenheit to
Celsius. |
keine |
!mwMitoKM # |
with this Command wandelt ihr # Miles to
Kilometers. |
keine |
!mwKMtoMi # |
with this Command you convert # Kilometers to Miles |
keine |
with this command you
get the skin of the specified player.
is replaced by the player name)
keine |
!mcColor |
with this Command you will get Information about
the Color values in MineCraft. |
keine |
!mcServer IP |
with this Command you will get Information about
the Server. (IP
has ben replaced by the IP of the Server (including Port)) |
keine |
with this Command you will recieve Information
about the specified Player.
(MNECRAFTNAME is replaced by the Playername)
(you get Information about Name changes, skin etc...) |
keine |
with this Command you will
recieve Information about the specified Player.
(MNECRAFTNAME is replaced by the Playername) (TEXT will be replaced by the
Scam Text)
(you get Information about Name changes, skin etc...) |
keine |
!mwClear # |
with this Command you delete # Messages.
(# has been replaced by the numer of messages to be deleted)
(only Messages that are not older than 14 Days can be deleted (this
is due to the Discord API)) |
Administrator |
!mwHelpAdmin |
with this Command open the Bot`s Admin Help Menu. |
Administrator |
!mwLang DE / ENG |
with this Command set the Bot`s Language to German
or English |
Administrator |
!mwPrefix NEWPREFIX |
with this Command can you use the DEFAULT
Prefix ! change to NEWPREFIX.
(NEWPREFIX is replaced by the new one (Example: - or +)) |
Administrator |
!mwMusicChannel |
with this Command set the current voice Channel to
the Bot`s Music Channel.
(there the bot can join and Play Music)
(you have to be in a Voice Channel and execute the Command in an
insulting Text Channel)
(you enter !mwMusicChannel delete , you delete the function again) |
Administrator |
!mwReportChannel |
with this Command set the current Channel for the
Bot. (the
reports will then be posted in this Channel)
(you enter !mwReportChannel delete , you delete the function again) |
Administrator |
!mwNewUserChannel |
with this Command set the current channel as the
Greeting Channel for the Bot.
(New Users are then welcomed in this Channel)
(you enter !mwNewUserChannel delete , you delete the function again) |
Administrator |
!mwNewUserText TEXT |
with this Command the TEXT is set for the
Greeting. |
Administrator |
!mwOldUserChannel |
with this Command set the current as the Farewell
Channel for the Bot.
(in this Channel, Old Users will be adopted)
(you enter !mwOldUserChannel delete , you delete the function again) |
Administrator |
!mwOldUserText TEXT |
with this Command the TEXT is set for
adoption. |
Administrator |
!mwFreeStuffChannel |
with this Command set the current Channel to the
Free Stuff Channel for thze Bot.
(Free Stuff will be posted in this Channel)
(you enter !mwFreeStuffChannel delete , you delete the function
again) |
Administrator |
!mwFreeStuffGroup @GRUPPE |
with this Command set the @GRUPPE to the
Free Stuff Group.
(this group will be pinged when there is nhew Free Stuff)
(you enter !mwFreeStuffGroup delete , you delete the function again)
(if no group is specified, @everyone is used as Ping) |
Administrator |